Sophie Ridgeway, Bake, bake, bakeBake, bake, bake
Silkscreen print
18.5 x 23.5 cm.
Edition 1 of 4





Sophie Ridgeway, Dust, dust, dust

Dust, dust, dust
Silkscreen print
18.5 x 23.5 cm.
Edition 1 of 4




Sophie’s work is driven by the idea that derive from the stereotypical roles of women. Through the representation of the Springer spaniel, Sophie depicts the obedient, hardworking, eager to please, loving, gentle and affectionate female figure publicised throughout the 50s. Through the process of screen printing and the use of vibrant colours, Sophie aimed to capture the pop art style of the 50s.

About the Artist

Sophie’s work investigates women’s ever changing position within the mass media. Subversive humour and zoomorphism are key elements in my work. She aimed to create intimidating and humorous hybrid figures that represent women and underpin societies views on gender norms, expectations and identity.